

A man wearing a beanie and a green jacket is talking about poplar bark siding
By Daniel Amick March 20, 2025
Some days you find yourself doing something completely different from your usual work. That's exactly what happened when I went to help my buddy Bob from Done Right Construction with a unique project. Instead of grading driveways, I found myself installing poplar bark siding on an outdoor porch area - something I'd never even heard of before.
A man wearing a hat and a green jacket is standing next to a body of water.
By Daniel Amick March 20, 2025
I was out in the rain today, looking at a pond project that really drives home a point I've been making for years. When you build a pond, what you see isn't always what you get - at least not for long. Those fresh, clean pond banks might look great when you first dig them, but without the right protection, they won't stay that way.
A man wearing a beanie and a plaid shirt is headed up to driveway king
By Daniel Amick March 17, 2025
When several inches of rain hit our farm this week, I grabbed my phone and headed out to check on our creek crossing. What I found was a perfect example of why understanding your land matters so much here in Middle Tennessee.
A man wearing a beanie and plaid shirt is standing in a muddy field ..
By Daniel Amick March 17, 2025
Ever notice how creeks and streams keep flowing long after the rain stops? There's a good reason for that. Here in Middle Tennessee, I was watching our valley this morning - a full eight hours after the last raindrop fell, and thousands of gallons were still flowing through. That's not unusual, but it's something most property owners don't think about until it becomes a problem.
A man wearing a hat and plaid shirt is standing in the woods.
By Daniel Amick March 16, 2025
Sometimes the best solutions come from just watching and listening. Here in Middle Tennessee, our valleys tell stories through the way water moves across them. After years of working this land, I've learned that fighting against nature usually leads to bigger problems. But when you take the time to understand what the land is telling you, solutions often become clear.
A man wearing a hat and plaid shirt is standing in the woods.
By Daniel Amick March 16, 2025
I was out checking our property after the recent rains, riding my one-wheel around the farm, when I spotted something that perfectly shows why quick fixes don't work with water problems. Even 8-10 hours after the rain stopped, water was still pouring out of a bank where the county had tried a minimal fix.
A man in a beanie is standing in front of a building.
By Daniel Amick March 11, 2025
You might be wondering what cutting firewood has to do with building driveways. Well, let me tell you, there's more in common than you'd think. The other day, I was out stacking firewood near my house. It got me thinking about how the basics of doing a good job are pretty much the same, whether you're prepping for winter or laying down a driveway that'll last for years.
A man is standing in front of a pile of firewood.
By Daniel Amick March 11, 2025
Hey there! Daniel here from Driveway King. You know, the other day I was stacking firewood with my kids, and it got me thinking about driveways. Sounds weird, right? But stick with me – there's more in common than you might think.
A man is sitting in a bulldozer with his arms crossed.
By Daniel Amick March 10, 2025
You know, sometimes I look at a perfectly shaped driveway we just finished, and I can't help but think back to my days on the farm. It's funny how life works out. Here I am, running an excavation business, but it all started with me just being a kid who loved playing in the dirt.
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